Could you please provide me the steps to create a WhatsApp account?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I got a smart phone recently and trying to create an WhatsApp account. Could you please provide me the steps to create a WhatsApp account?

Best Answer by
Answered By 0 points N/A #329699

Could you please provide me the steps to create a WhatsApp account?

  • First install the WhatsApp from the Google play store.
  • Then the below screen will be displayed.
  • Select agree and continue
  • Tap allow WhatsApp to access photos, media and files on your device and access to contacts as well.
  • Then enter your phone number and tap ok to confirm the number you have entered.
  • Your will be receiving a verification code.

Enter the verification code and start using WhatsApp, stay connected with your friends.

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