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I have a lot of data that needs to be extracted from some web page. I heard that I can run a PHP scrip and have the data extracted by the script, how fast can this be archived? and where can I get such a script? Do I need to change for the script to work for my data collection?

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How to you draw scatter graphs in statistics and how would you establish correlation from the scatter graphs? Is it possible to import a graph in excel into SPSS so that you can run analysis? How would this be achieved? What is the best way to input data into SPSS from an excel file?

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I have a built a php script that can extract data from Html sites however im unable to extract data from jpeg images. Is it possible to get a script that can extract data from such pictures? Where can I get this code? Can I integrate this script with an OCR reader or it works independently?

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I am exporting a drawing to PDF from DraftSight and when the exported file is looked at in any other program, even Adobe Reader, the dimensions are not what they were drawn at. How do I get the dimensions of the drawing to carrying over to the PDF file? Thanks for the help

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hey guys, im a newbie and i want to develop a widget in android that floats on the home screen of any android phone does anybody know of any java library that i can use to simplify my widget or have any ideas on what i can do… like a simpler algorithm

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Hi, im new to python programming and i wanted to add some sentences i collected from the internet using some other python script into an array so that i can access the last word of the sentence to build to build a simple vocabulary assuming that the last word of each sentence is a noun

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Hello, im an ICT officer on my attachment and i was wondering if someone could help me with any information regarding the best wireless networking device that i can use to transmit a wifi network on a small town 5km radius taking into account the building obstacles around and trees

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I have a project that involves using the eingen faces for face recognition and im not really satisfied with the results when i do a face recognition using the algorithm and i was wondering if there was a better algorithm apart from the two algorithms or a better implementation using fisher face would do

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Hello! Please help me with the following:

I have a table dle_post id autor date short_story full_story xfields title descr

How can I get the piece of code from full_story and change it for mine? For example I need to change <img border=”0” to <img

Also for example I have news under ID 1 to 1000 and I need to set date in the same field like that

one value for 1 to 100, the other one for 101 to 200 and etc. How can I do that?

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Do tablets support open GL for graphics? Can I use a tabled to run some services in the case of a client computer to substitute for a Pc in the network? How effective is running host services from a tablet in terms of performance and suitability in a remote office setup.? Im trying to avoid getting another PC machine for this so I need an assessment

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