What are anchor text and bbcodes?

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In the world of internet marketing, one stands out for another and vice versa, the feeling of web competition is found in every site you will visit. A lot of us link builders can fully understand the really meaning of anchor text or the bbcodes? In your opinion, what are bbcodes? Its a word that has captured lots internet enthusiast to make their website be on the rank list.

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Answered By 0 points N/A #95700

What are anchor text and bbcodes?


The anchor text, link labor and link text is a visible, and clickable text in the hyperlink.

 The words contained in the anchor will determine the ranking to web site given by search engines, anchor text holds significant weight in the search engines.

 anchor text usually gives the user relevant descriptive or contextual information about the contents of the links destination.

As the name indicates the BBCODE or the bulletin board cord are extensively used in blogs and bulletin boards to accept user comments and posts. BBCode is a special language to define HTML codes . So in BBCode a text is represented in bold.

Hope you are satisfied with my answer.

Answered By 0 points N/A #95701

What are anchor text and bbcodes?


In any web page or advertise page the anchor text is visible to search in selected address.also anchor text refer the others.so for easily search and for referring sites anchor text plays an important view. mostly anchor text used in forum, social bookmarking, articles etc.however it is the alternative text to hyperlink.

BBcode can handle many types words in one way. it works its own language. messages, notes, tasks formatting are provided by BBcode. when any article or blog post in remaining account BBcode is probably stands on profile and edit signature. thank you.

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