How to convert XML multiple choice questions to an Excel file?

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

Please help me convert an XML multiple choice questions to other file formats such as Excel. Is that even possible?


Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 10 points N/A #190733

How to convert XML multiple choice questions to an Excel file?





Many people say that it is a long process to convert an xml file to an excel file. It is very easy to convert xml to xls format. Follow the steps below:

1. Run Microsoft Excel on your computer and wait for it to load.

2. Now, click on the file tab and click "Open". By default, Microsoft excel shows the excel files in your computer in the open window.

3. Change the type of file to xml by selecting XML files in the drop down menu of the file type option.

4. Now, you will see the xml files on your computer. Select the file you want to convert and click open.

5. The xml file will now be converted to excel file.

Hope this information helps you.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #190735

How to convert XML multiple choice questions to an Excel file?


The easiest and most convenient way of converting .xml files to .xls or .xlsx format is already explained above. That’s the best way without purchasing any XML conversion software. But if you want a paid software that is solely dedicated on converting .xml files to Microsoft Office Excel format, then here are several you can use:

  • Advanced XML Converter – this application has the ability to extract data in tabular formats and converting it to CSV, XLS, SQL, DBF, and HTML formats. For the pros: can be used easily, batch conversion is supported, you can preview different data, you can select which data to export, and supports different target formats. Visit Advanced XML Converter.

  • XML to Excel Converter – this method of conversion is an online solution. You don’t need to download and install a program to be able to convert your XML file. Just visit the site using your web browser, load your file, and then convert it. That easy. It also features an advanced option which will allow you to load a DTD file. To try this free online solution, visit XML to Excel Converter.

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