Difference between virus and malware

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

Malware is becoming a more common term but I am confused about the difference between Malware and virus.

Can any body explain it with an example?

I haven't got the satisfying answer yet.

Best Answer by zulqarnain89
Answered By 0 points N/A #82432

Difference between virus and malware



There is no such confusion which you are facing about such statement both are same the biggest difference is if your system happens to attack through the internet with the help of fishing or any virus then that is called malware and the same thing happens through any offline thing like CD software exe file then that is called virus so don't be so confusing.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #82433

Difference between virus and malware


Malware is any software/program which either interrupts computer from performing tasks which you want to do or sometimes can be used to monitor users' actions. Spyware is a type of Malware used to monitor users' actions and obtain information.

Where as virus is also a type of Malware which slows down the computer by occupying processor and replicating itself over the computer and networks. 

An example of a virus which is not a Malware but is putatively benevolent is Fred Cohan's Compression Virus.

Where as a Malware includes computer viruses worms Trojan horses, spyware, dishonest adware, most rootkits, and other malicious programs

Answered By 0 points N/A #82435

Difference between virus and malware


Malware is a Malicious computer software, including viruses, spyware, and Trojans. It's designed to cause damage to a single computer, server, or computer network .

Viruses are computer programs or scripts that attempt to spread from one file to another on a single computer and/or from one computer to another, using a variety of methods, without the knowledge and consent of the computer user

Many users define viruses simply as trick programs designed to delete or move hard drive .

The most common method used for spreading a virus is through e-mail attachment. Sending a virus, even if designed to be harmless, can cause unforeseen damage.

A virus scanner is the most common tool for prevention. This utility attempts to scan a computer program before it runs, and if it recognizes the signature of a malicious code, it shuts it down. Many scanners also evaluate programs to determine if it contains any virus-related characteristics.

The best way to stop viruses is to use common sense. If an executable computer program is attached to your e-mail and you are unsure of the source, then it should be deleted immediately. Do not download any applications or executable files from unknown sources, and be careful when trading files with other users.

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