Is there a Mac Lion expert here? I need help with some problems I’m having with my icons. Whenever I have active programs the icons of those programs have this small bright spot just below them. Add to that, when this happens and I open up Xjournal the program freezes and crashes.
When I check out the Help button it gives me the option of either to “Open Xjournal Community” or “Open XJournal home page”. The latter link shows a page not found (404) error. Can someone help me out please? Thank you so much for your time.
Xjournal failure – need Mac Lion expert
Maybe your Macintosh computer has other problems that need to be checked first. The Page not found (404) error means that the web page you are trying to access is unreachable or the web page file is missing. This error is the same as the File not found error in Windows operating system. Since this error originated after you clicked on the home page link, it’s not possible for the main page or index file of the web site to be missing or unreachable.
Try checking your Mac first if it has an active internet connection. Check your internet cable if it’s plugged properly. Try browsing some web sites with your web browser to check your internet connection. If your machine has indeed a dead connection then this is the reason why you are getting the 404 error. Just fix your internet connection and the 404 error will be gone.