Windows mobile 6.1 utility ssh, need to have a free SSH/Telnet Client

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi All,

I need your help on windows mobile 61 utility ssh.  Do you know that the free tool acting as
telnet/ssh client? If yes, please let me know the tool name and the location I
can download and install.


Answered By 10 points N/A #130150

Windows mobile 6.1 utility ssh, need to have a free SSH/Telnet Client



The free acting tool as telnet / ssh client is Pocket Putty which is free and most popular between all.
Features :
1. Allows you via telnet and ssh to connect to your remote computers from phone.
2. Programs runs on Window mobile devices.
3. Supported version protocol ssh of one and two.
4. Wlan supported.
5. GPRS supported.
6. 3G supported.
7. In console colors are used.
8. Configuration options are additional.
Click on Pocket Putty to visit the page and download.

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