Wimfsf.sys error and computer is not working due to this.

My operating system is not working well, this is may be due to any problem with the hardware I am unable to understand.

My operating system is not working well, this is may be due to any problem with the hardware I am unable to understand.
The problem occurred in your5 computer is what and mostly called the blue screen of death. There are a couple of steps in working to fix this issue.
Save your important document files in your computer, find the operating system that have installed in your computer. Put the OS CD in your CD Rom drive and  boot up your PC, when you see the XP blue screen press F8, when you see Delete partition, repair or Quit. Just Enter R. Then the process is to fix and repair your operating system.
When this Blue Screen appeared on your computer, usually the computer encounters a fatal error that results in total crashing of the system. Sometimes it is hard to predict what might be the cause of this error especially if you have a very shallow knowledge about computers.
The best thing to do when this Blue Screen appears is to remember the very last thing you did before your system went crashing. But if you can’t remember or maybe you are just browsing some folders, restarting in Safe Mode and choosing the last known good configuration option from the advanced menu would solve the problem.
Here’s how you can do it in Safe Mode:
After it has finished booting observe the behavior of the computer. Usually, after selecting the option above the computer is back to normal again.
'Blue Screen of Death'
It’s really an annoying error. There are several reasons for this error like, hardware or software failure, computer power failure, not compatible drivers and after updating window sometimes this error occurs. The first time I got this error was when I plugged out my computer before shutting it down. I asked my friend about the solution and he told me to remove RAM from the Motherboard and install it again and I was surprised to see that the error was gone. I used this solution many times and it was a success. But sometimes when this solution does not works I use the other two solutions,
1. Last Known Good Configuration as Sharathr described in the comment above.Â
2. Window Repairing Utility as Steven Adler described in the comment above.
But I’m pretty sure that removing RAM and installing it again will work.
Hello Nisar
Side by side also check out this Techyv post "SPCMDCON.SYS: Blue Screen of Death Error" to get more ways to fix this issue.