Will computer virus infect human

Computer viruses, actually this is very good topic to talk. I my knowledge computer viruses will never be end. They will be more and more advanced day by day. Why that those viruses are created by the humans that improves their knowledge day by day.
 Other thing is if viruses are all gone why we need anti viruses. I think when anti viruses created to guard a virus they also create a virus to attack that anti viruses.
About the people, I think yes It will also affect to the humans, I mean human lives. Hove many times that virus problem will affect to your life. It will affect to the human knowledge and the mind.
It is a big no. Computer viruses are different from biological viruses. It is not like what we have viewed in a movie that they can transfer computer virus to human or store data digitally to humans. All of this are just a fiction.
Computer viruses are just a computer codes that executes only on machines electronically. They are computer instructions that compiled by a programmer who aims to destroy programs, data as well as computer hardware and cloud structures, network, and all other means of communications and computer related structures. This are codes or programs, doesn’t have life.
Biological virus is a microorganism that has lives. The can migrate from human to human or from animals to human or anything that has live or life. They are not a computer generated program. They are naturally produced by the environment.