What are the different type of networking devices ?

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I would like to set up Internet connection. What are the different types of internet working devices that can support my computer ?

Best Answer by bob williams
Answered By 590495 points N/A #128746

What are the different type of networking devices ?


There are numbers of networking devices that can be use to set-up Internet connections. This provides Internet connection to all computers connected to this device.

Router – Router provides IP-Address and can be used wired and wireless networking.

Hub – This networking uses coax cord and or Cat5 cord connections, connecting computer to computer by the use of Hub act as the server.

Switch – Switch uses Mac-Address straight from the Internet service Provider's server. This gives Internet access to the computer connected to this devices. This depends on how many IP-Address you have subscribed to your ISP.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #128745

What are the different type of networking devices ?



     There are different types of inter networking devices which are available:

  • Repeater
  • Bridges
  • Routers
  1. Repeater – These are also called as Regenerators. It is an electronic device that operates only at physical layer. it generates the signals and Regenerates them to the original bit pattern before it  becomes weak  and puts the refreshed copy back in to the link.
  2. Bridges – The bridges operates in the physical as well as in  data link layers of Local area network  and these type of network should be of same type. They divide a larger network in to smaller segments and contains a logical sequence  that allow them to keep the traffic separately for each segment in the network.                                                                                                                                                                                       
  3.  Routers – Coming to routers most of them are aware of this  They operate in the physical, data link and physical layers of the network the routers are a kind of device where they are used in the networking it separates the packets and distributes them equally among the computers which are connected in the network. For networking mostly the routers are most essential devices used the routers can function as a wireless router where the devices supports the WiFi function and it send the packets to the users who are accessing it.  The other routers are used to inter connect all the computers in a network which is known as Intranet.
Routers are available in different types 8-pins 16-pins etc.   

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