Unable to recognize the 3G Data Card

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am now using a 3G Data Card (brand name Huawei) but I used to access the internet using a cable connection through a router (Linksys WRT54G). The problem is my computer is unable to recognize the 3G Data Card and tells me I have no Ethernet connection. Please help me create my wireless network at home. I need to configure my computer or my router to recognize the 3G Data Card. Thanks.

Answered By 0 points N/A #119622

Unable to recognize the 3G Data Card


The connection of the data card will be fully dependent of the  "Data Card" drivers and the possibility of those drivers to be able to support the data card's recognition by the router. What I will suggest that you do when you are calling the disconnect and connect methods in the data card then you should use the return values that will be able to indicate success, and if not that they will be able to raise your own event. When you do not know what the data card is and what it is connecting to then it will not be possible for you to establish a connection.

-Richard Gabriel


Answered By 590495 points N/A #311287

Unable to recognize the 3G Data Card


If you have a Huawei 3G mobile broadband USB dongle and you want to use it to connect to the internet, you have to install its driver first before you can use it. When you plug it to your computer for the first time, you will automatically be prompted to install its software.

This Huawei software includes the Huawei 3G mobile broadband dashboard which you will use to connect the device to the internet and the modem’s driver. If you are not prompted to install its driver when you connect it, autoplay is probably turned off on your computer. To install the modem’s software manually, start Windows Explorer then select the drive designated for the Huawei modem.

Next, look for the “setup.exe” file and double-click it to start setup. Follow the instructions to install your modem. Once installation is complete, start the Huawei dashboard and configure your modem’s settings.

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