Unable to export an XMF file in 3DS Max 2011

Hello Friends,
I am a newbie trying out the 3DS Max 2011 and it would be very useful for me if someone could share how to export an XMF file in Max. I have been trying to export the XMF file of a table I drew and I am not able to complete this operation. I exported an XSF file of the same object and everything went fine. But with the XMF file I run into an error in step 2 and 3D Max exporter informed me that only a single mesh can be exported at a time. I decided to have a go with simple figure and I tried a ball this time. I drew the image and tried exporting and this time I am able to export the project as both XSF and XMF. Now what could be going wrong with a multipart image like that of a table? I have attached screenshots of the error message I received while attempting to export the project. I hope someone here could look into this and point out what is going wrong when trying to export a multipart figure. Many thanks in advance to all my helpful friends.

Select one (and only one) mesh to export! (c:imvustablesourcecal3dpluginssrcmeshcandidate.cpp 155)
Each mesh vertex can be influenced by one or more bones with different weights. If you limit the number of bones per Vertex below, the exporter will only take the strongest bone influences per Vertex into account, A minimum weight threshold can also be set. 1. Set the maximum number of bones influencing one mesh Vertex. Max. Number 999 Bones per Vertex. 2. Set the minimum weight a bone needs to be taken into account. Weight Threshold: 0.0 10000