Transitioning from db1 console to db2 console without hitches

What procedures are used to transition from db1 console to db2 console using the command line to ensure a smooth transition without any loss of data or data distortion possibilities?

What procedures are used to transition from db1 console to db2 console using the command line to ensure a smooth transition without any loss of data or data distortion possibilities?
Hellow Yamanda,
I have confirmed about the matter .I am giving tips for comparing data between two databases.
You can use SQL Data Compare utility software. This program has changing the names and functions of some command line switches and options as well as their aliases.
Here is a table showing some command switches .It will be better if you declare which program you are using.Â
/AllowIdenticalDatabases |
This switch is deprecated. Instead use /Include:Identical |
/BackupSet1 and /BackupSet2 |
The aliases for these switches are now /bks1 and /bks2. The functionality of these switches has not changed. |
/CaseSensitive < Â |
This switch is deprecated. Instead use /Options:CaseSensitiveObjectDefinition |
/Columns  |
This switch is deprecated. Instead use /IncludeColumns and/ExcludeColumns |
/ExportIdenticalTables |
This switch is deprecated. Instead use /Include:Identical |
If SQL Data Compare encounters any high level errors when parsing a scripts folder, it will exit with an error code of 62. Use /ignoreParserErrors to force SQL Data Compare to continue without exiting. |
/Include and /Exclude
Specify which tables and views are included in the comparison. |
Shifflett Laurel