Toolbox Error on SolidWorks 2012 SP3

Why am I getting this error on my toolbox? I used SW2012 SP3. I need help please.
Error: The database file 'S:SOLIDWORKS TOOLBOXlangenglishswbrowser.mdb' is not the expected version (14.18)

Why am I getting this error on my toolbox? I used SW2012 SP3. I need help please.
Error: The database file 'S:SOLIDWORKS TOOLBOXlangenglishswbrowser.mdb' is not the expected version (14.18)
When you go to Toolbox you get the following error:
The database file ‘C:SolidWorks Datalangenglishswbrowser.mdb’ is not the expected version.
It happens when you have recently upgraded your SolidWorks install to SW2010 or SW2011. SolidWork should have updated your HoleWizard/Toolbox database, or maybe it installed a new one, and the wrong path is listed in Tools -> Options -> Hole Wizard/ Toolbox.
Steps to rise:
Hi there user:
Surely there is a problem on one (1) or both installation. Or try to check the folders; they should not be in the same folder. Get to the toolbox and configure the toolbox state, save the settings or revert back and save.
I hope this could make it better.
Thanks for asking via