A technical comprehensive definition and concept of Typology

Asked By 60 points N/A Posted on -

What is the simplest as well as detailed technical definition of Typology? What are the possible kinds of Typology in computing? What is the relevance of Typology and why? Are there demerits of Typology in computing despite its relevance? Which of the various kinds of Typology is considered as the best and can suit any required task? Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #200350

A technical comprehensive definition and concept of Typology

Actually, the term "Typology" refers to the study related to various types of different elements. So, your question is quite unclear. It may be that you intended to mean the term "topology", which means the physical arrangement of computers in a computer network.
If you clarify the question more, we would be able to support you further.
Best regards!

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