Take screenshot of entire monitor and save automatically in one button press

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How to capture entire screen shot of current monitor view in one button press. I am working on image processing for optical character recognition. The computer continues to play a live video of 1020p with 30 frames per second. Whenever the user feels, he will hit a key on the keyboard. The key is a key on a keyboard and can be any thing and is configurable. I would like to know if it is possible to capture the screen as image in Cpp programming? How to run the program in background yet allow th user to watch the live video? Or there any other languages with good support for my requirement?

Answered By 0 points N/A #194148

Take screenshot of entire monitor and save automatically in one button press


Snapper makes it really easy to make screenshots. When Snapper is running, every time you press the 'Print Screen' button, it will save a JPG image of the screenshot to your hard disk, possibly with some enhancements.

How to use

Put the 'Snapper.exe' program somewhere on your harddisk (it doesn't need other files, just this one). In the future I will make an Install program.

Snapper running will be shown in the taskbar. Pressing 'Print Screen' (PrtSc) will capture the screen, after which Snapper writes it to disk. Snapper's application window is divided in three tabs:

1. Last snap: This tab displays the last screenshot taken.

2. Settings: Here you can specify how you want Snapper to behave.

3. All snaps: Shows a list of all the pictures in the current folder.

For more details

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