Unhandled Exception while running program using .Net framework

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I was running a program that uses the .Net framework and suddenly it stopped and prompted this: "Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you click Continue.

The application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. Unspecified error."

How will I prevent this prompt from appearing in the future?

Also according to the prompt, I still can continue by ignoring the error message but they give me chills.

Best Answer by Janine08
Answered By 0 points N/A #81254

Unhandled Exception while running program using .Net framework



Unhandled exception is a problem that occurs when you are trying to create a new file to a Source Code Control (SCC) on a computer with installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server Service Pack 1 (SP1). The following actions are the main reasons:

  •     You  use Source Control Explorer shortcut menu; and
  •     You click the Add Items to Folder toolbar button.

For the solution to the problem, a supported hotfix is now available from Microsoft. On the other hand, the capabilities of the program are only limited to what I have described above. You can apply this software only to  above circumstances. To obtain the hotfix, you may contact Microsoft Customer Support Services. You may wish to visit the following sites to obtain the complete list of Microsoft Customer Support Services and basic information about the expected costs:

  1.     https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/?ws=support
  2.     https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/960096/fix-error-message-when-you-try-to-add-files-to-scc-unhandled-exception
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #81256

Unhandled Exception while running program using .Net framework


If the problem is neither IE script debugging nor is it identifiable from the troubleshooting tips below or from the knowledge base articles also provided below, then you're not going to like the solution to the remaining runtime error problem. Solving runtime errors boils down to these limited options:

  • Contact the software publisher for assistance, or:
  • Application X is corrupt. Remove application X. Reinstall application X

If reinstalling the application doesn't fix the problem, you're left with:

  • One of the XP common libraries is corrupt.
  • Do an in-place upgrade of XP, or other Windows OS.
  • Failing that, a full clean install is required.

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