Suggestions needed for animated drop down menu

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I need suggestions about animated drop down menu.

I am trying to debug a script to ensure the best, desired UX. This script is not working quite as desired. The animations don't trigger initially. Also if the user accidentally hovers over multiple links then undesired animations get stuck playing for many seconds onward. I want to edit this responsiveness. What are currently some of the top ways to deal with this in professional UI design when working with jQuery and how can I implement these solutions into my script?

Answered By 0 points N/A #155834

Suggestions needed for animated drop down menu


Dear user,

Here is a link for a tutorial for your animated drop down menu. It has detailed instructions for it:

It provides all the html and CSS3 codes, that you may need for your drop down menu and also have step-by-step instructions. It also has a jQuery add included.

Hope this will help you.

Thank you.

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