Steps For The Remote Desktop With Dual Monitors As Reference

Hello, brief for the remote desktop with dual monitors with its steps as well and reply soon for it and thanks for solving as well.

Hello, brief for the remote desktop with dual monitors with its steps as well and reply soon for it and thanks for solving as well.
Hey, the remote desktop with dual monitors helps to access more than 2 systems at a time which are connect over the network only and the system requirements are also matched for all the systems too. Below show the steps for it:
• First connect to the remote desktop client of version 7.0 on the systems respectively.
• Next turn on the multimom on the systems
• Also click for the all monitors for remote session in the windows systems.
• Next add the mulimon to the RDP files respectively.
• Later connect the computers on the windows systems or onto the windows server 2008 simultaneously.