Someone is using my wireless internet.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts,

Someone is using my wireless internet. I want to change my wireless internet connection password so that nobody will be able to access and share it with me. It results on slowing down my downloading and uploading speed. Please help me to change my wireless connection password.

Thank you.

Best Answer by morgan2521
Answered By 0 points N/A #179931

Someone is using my wireless internet.


To change password of wireless internet  login to the router as administrator. There is a settings page which contains your account information and password with other information of the router. You can change the password that router uses to connect to your DSL connection. Also Contact your service provider to inform about password change.

Answered By 0 points N/A #179932

Someone is using my wireless internet.


Hi Isabella,

I will share with you the link on how to change your password in wireless internet. Visit this link and read their instructions. The next link will teach you and provide the steps on how to secure your password so that it can’t be infiltrated easily.

Hope it can help. Thank You.

Answered By 0 points N/A #179933

Someone is using my wireless internet.


Hello Isabella,

Firstly I would suggest you to call your Internet Service provider to change your wireless password. If it's not possible then you need to find out your wireless router's admin interface and connect to it you may have written your password for WiFi down somewhere. This would be a good time to change your WiFi network name as well (SSID) more secured. After this you need to enter in the pre shared key (wireless network password). This time set a strong password including capital letters numeric’s and signs as well.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #179935

Someone is using my wireless internet.


Hi Isabella,

Since someone has already accessed your wireless network, your best bet is to reset your router. This will allow you to reset the password, as well as change your network name (SSID) and encryption settings so the same person cannot search for and break into your network again. To reset the router, hold the button located on the back for 10 to 30 seconds, depending on your brand of router. Then, connect your computer to the router via the Ethernet cable (USB port). Then, type your IP address into your browser's address bar (see below). Enter the default administrator name, usually "admin," followed by the default admin password. If you do not have this login information, you can Google them using the make and model of your router. Then, click on the "Admin" link, and you're ready to create a new, strong password.
Linksys – or
DLink – or
Apple –
Buffalo –
Netgear – or

Answered By 60 points N/A #179936

Someone is using my wireless internet.


Hi, Isabella Barry,

Your concern is very much common nowadays. It is very silly for the neighbor to use your internet because it is not secured. You can put a password on it so that "Someone" can stop using your wireless internet. I have listed some forum that have the same concerns as you. You can get a lot of tips there.

I have attached good forums, which are listed below
Help Forum : How do I change WIFI password
HP Forum : How do I reset my password for WIFI connection


Answered By 0 points N/A #179937

Someone is using my wireless internet.


Hello Isabella Barry,

Try changing your password on your Wireless internet connection settings.

Change it with a hard password that can't be stolen easily.

Don't share it to anyone.

Hope this helped you!

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