Simplified Understanding of Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have used this VPN in the past to connect to some internet networks but I did not understand the principle behind this VPN. I would like someone to kindly help me understand this system better. I need some ideas on how VPN works. What are the concepts behind VPN? Is it similar to cloud computing or they are entirely different?

Answered By 590495 points N/A #190647

Simplified Understanding of Virtual Private Network (VPN)


Here is how a VPN works based on the previous VPN service where I subscribed to. Normally, when you subscribe to a VPN service, they will provide you with a VPN client or the program that you will use to start the VPN service. When you start the VPN client, it will connect to its home website to check your account’s status and depending on the level of your account, the client will throw your connection to another VPN server that will provide you your virtual IP address.

It now serves as your virtual IP address while you are surfing the web and visiting different websites. Often, the VPN server that receives your connection is located on a different country and wherever that country is located, you will appear as if you are physically located on that country.

A VPN connection is recommended for countries that have high internet restrictions such as China and North Korea where they forbid their citizens from accessing certain websites. When a website is blocked from your country, there is no way you can access it from within your country without using VPN.

But if the IP address assigned to you by your VPN service gets blocked, I’m not sure if the next IP address they will provide you is still free.

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