Simple but effective method of keyword research

Hi guys,
Keyword research is very important in present situation.
How the keywords need to be researched?
What is the simple but most effective method?

Hi guys,
Keyword research is very important in present situation.
How the keywords need to be researched?
What is the simple but most effective method?
Hello Michael Sun Juan,
Key word search is very important to build up a web site. Your first task is to identify words that are related to your business or your target. Suppose, if you would like to sell different kind of dresses then find many words or phrases relating to your goal. You have to think from all aspects from the customer point of view. If you think from the customer's point of view then you will be able to find out more relative words that is searched by those customers or users.
After selecting many words or phrases go to Google addword site that will help you to find out more keywords and that will also help you to know what words are being searched more by the Internet users. In that web site you will find different kind of search option. If you put category then the site will help you to find out which words are being mostly searched and when you will be able to set appropriate word on your site you will get a lot of visitor who are your potential customers.
Keywords play an important role for both website and mobile website. Before, websites are only for desktop computers to access since there are still no mobile phones back then. But nowadays, mobile handsets are now capable of accessing the internet and that’s when mobile versions of the usual websites start.
Keywords have an important role in the visibility of many websites. It helps the website to be more visible to users when searching in different search engines like Bing, Google Search, Ask, and so on. If a user searched for something and some of the keywords used are available in your website, it may be possible for your website to appear in the search result and it also helps if your site has a good ranking.
I have the Top Google Mobile Keywords for 2011 and here are several of the very popular keywords being search in Google: