Sharing office documents between windows 7 enterprise and ultimate

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I use Microsoft office 7 for most of my works on windows 7. My windows 7 is ultimate but when I share with other windows 7 like enterprise the work is deemed not to be compatible. What is the solution to this because i really need to share documents.

screen shot to show windows 7 ultimate.

need to share documents between-windows-7-enterprise-and-ultimate
Answered By 0 points N/A #128532

Sharing office documents between windows 7 enterprise and ultimate


There is no such issue which you have identified, because Microsoft provides the compatibly to share files not only to Microsoft window but other Operating system as well like Linux, Mac etc. If you want to share your files and you could not do so.

I will tell you how to shares files between their two systems. First you connect both systems either with peer to peer or with a network. If you have to connect both the machine peer to peer then only assign IP address and shares the files, folder, or directory.

If you have selected it which a network and the network is not home then only allow the IP address of those systems which you want to allow. And if it is a home network then it is more easy. Select the home network option that window provides it. This will automatically share your files.


Answered By 590495 points N/A #302896

Sharing office documents between windows 7 enterprise and ultimate


If you are using Microsoft Office 2007 on Windows 7 and you share your documents to other users who also use Windows 7, I don’t think there is a problem.

Office 2007 save its documents with an additional “x” on the extension name by default like in Office Word 2007, the document is saved in DOCX format (*.docx) and in Office Excel 2007, it saves the document in XLSX format (*.xlsx). Later versions of Microsoft Office also save the document in these formats.

Even if the document was created in earlier version of Microsoft Office like Microsoft Office 2003, where the document is saved without the additional “x” in the extension name by default, you can still open the document in higher versions of Microsoft Office. The Microsoft Office suite is backward compatible to older versions of Microsoft Office.

Office 2007 can open an Office 2003 document like DOC (*.doc) and XLS (*.xls) without a problem. Office Word 2007 can open an Office Word 2003 DOC file (*.doc). Office Excel 2007 can open an Office Excel 2003 XLS file (*.xls). Check your document for errors if other users can’t open it.

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