Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 09/16/2011
I have three laptops in the house that I use for work and for personal reasons. They are all connected online but transferring files from one laptop to another hassles me so much.
I know that there is a way to do file sharing. Can somebody tell me how to set it up?
Sharing files between laptops at home
You can have file sharing via router, if not, you also have the option of an ad-hoc connection or filesharing online.
Since all three computers are laptops, you have the option to create an ad-hoc wireless network connection.
For laptop A:
Setting up a new ad-hoc network, access your control panel and look for network connections, or simply double click the wireless icon on the system tray.
Click on the wireless networks tab
Click add
Provide your network name
Check the option "the key is provided for me automatically"
Check the option "this is a computer-to…."
Click ok
The ad-hoc wireless network is now set. Now you can connect the other two laptops to the wireless network.
To set up the connection of laptop B and C, access your control panel and look for network connections, or simply double click the wireless icon on the system tray.
Select view wireless networks, you will see an ad-hoc network as a computer to computer network. if it doesn't appear, try refreshing it. try connecting to it, it may take minutes to acquire a network address and you're done!
In case the network didn't appear, double click the wireless icon, click on the wireless networks tab.
Click advanceÂ
Choose the option "computer to computer (ad-hoc)networks only".
Click close
Answered By
0 points
Sharing files between laptops at home
I will assume all three laptops are running on Windows 7.
If all your laptops have a WiFi connection then you can go about it by doing this Secure your wireless network with a password I recommended that you use WPA/PSK code after doing this find network & sharing center in control panel then go to change advanced sharing setting, when you get there turn on network discovery and turn off password protected sharing, then on all 3 laptops right click on the folder you want to share and share with specific people then from the drop down box share with everyone, after that everyone on the WiFi network will be able to access the folders that are shared by accessing network from the explorer window and selecting the laptop they want to browse.