The safest, shortest and simplest procedure to modify an equation

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

What is the simplest and shortest procedure to follow in order to modify an equation in either a linear format or a professional format when working in Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel? I am a Math teacher who teaches in a second cycle institution in Ghana. I do prepare mathematical questions and I would like to have the shortest and safest way of inserting as well as modifying the equations to suit my preference. Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #189681

The safest, shortest and simplest procedure to modify an equation

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It is a simple task to insert & edit equations in MS Excel. You just need to type in the equation by using the necessary symbols in the "Equation toolbar". There are around 160 symbols to be chosen from.


Insert > 
Also, you can use its templates and frameworks with symbols you need to insert into the particular equations. Similarly, the Equation Editor also helps in inserting special characters, etc.
At the same time, it is possible to paste the equation created on MS Office Word on your worksheet. Actually, Word of course, provides with a full collection of common equations to facilitate simple and easier equation handling.
Insert > 

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