Retrieving database using SQL and imdb

Asked By 110 points N/A Posted on -



I am new in using sql and I have mySQL installed. I will like to retrieve data using sql and imdb but I found out that it can also be retrieve using xml within sql. I need advice on which one is the easiest and effective method and will there be any complications?

Best Answer by Williams Todd
Answered By 5 points N/A #133524

Retrieving database using SQL and imdb



I would claim es-proc is a superb selection. This does not simply gain access to SQL server directories, but also could gain access to some other directories. It's good for interactive research as well as numerous data-sources. Also, it is termed through external software since it gives JDBC program.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #196417

Retrieving database using SQL and imdb



Use IMDbPY. This is a very nice sophisticated software that enables the user to extract data from the database efficiently.

I attached to this message IMDBPY.txt file. This file has an example showing how IMDbPY will get data from a movie database. The example is written using Python and C language and has comments so you can understand the code.

Another solution is to use SQL from this site that provides good examples and good documentation.
A third solution is to use XML and SQL. You can check this site for further information.

I hope this is helpful.


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