Read xls file with JavaScript
Hi Experts,
Please suggest me how can I read xls file with JavaScript. Please send melink of the tutorial for read xls file with JavaScript. Thanks. Â
Guy Blasi
Hi Experts,
Please suggest me how can I read xls file with JavaScript. Please send melink of the tutorial for read xls file with JavaScript. Thanks. Â
Guy Blasi
Hello! Good Day!
Below is an example code on how to read an excel file in javascript:
function my_function(){
   var Excel;
   Excel = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application");
   Excel.Visible = false;
   return Excel.Workbooks.Open("path of your file").ActiveSheet.Cells(l,i).Value;
var i=1; Â // # of columns
var l=1; // # of rows
  if (a!=null)
    document.write("value is " + a + "  ;  ;  ;  ;");
       document.write("<br />");
 b = my_function()
}while(a!=null || b!=null);
You can start from there.
Hope this helps!