PuTTY Fatal Error has occurred

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I am experiencing problems when connecting to servers via SSH. This error message shows. What to do? Provide me the proper way to resolve this issue. Thanks in advance.

Couldn’t agree a client-to-server cipher (available: ase128-Ctr, aes256-Ctr, arcfour256, arcfour)

PuTTY Fatal Error

Couldn’t agree a client-to-server cipher (available: ase128-Ctr, aes256-Ctr, arcfour256, arcfour)


Best Answer by Kollar Sutton
Answered By 30 points N/A #175806

PuTTY Fatal Error has occurred

Hi there Donald W Scott,
This is a well known bug that can easily be fixed with a simple software update. Please, update your software in order to make things working.
The only workaround for this problem is changing the protocol from SSH to SSHv1. Please, note that this protocol is less secure and should be avoided if possible.
Best regards,
Drake Vivian
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #175807

PuTTY Fatal Error has occurred


Hi, I have experienced this problem as well. While troubleshooting I came across a program called Winscp, this program can do everything putty can do plus so much more. I found it to be much more stable and easier to setup and ssh connection. To get it go to download.com and search winscp. The default login is: root and the password is: alpine

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