Hello experts,
This is the error that I have it when I want to launch the program. It worked just fine before the reinstall of my Windows and now I cannot solve this. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? Why it doesn’t work now ?
Thank you !
Initialization error
Could not locate OCI.dll
OracleHomeKey: SOFTWAREORACLEKEY_OraClient11g.home
OracleHomeDir: D:appaneesh.thilakanproduct11.2.0client_1
PS/SQL Developer initialization error with missing DLL files
Hello Douglas
The message is telling you that it is unable to find oci.dll file in the PATH. So this is what we do, copy the oci.dll and paste it into the required PATH. One needs to ensure bin folder is in the PATH, and any version of ora(m)(n).dll, e.g., ora71.dll, ora72.dll, exists in that folder or elsewhere in the PATH. The oci.dll is seen as  OraClient8.dll in Oracle 8 and  OraClient9.dll in Oracle 9.Â
Execute the following steps to solve the issue.
(a) Copy oci.dll from folder c:appuserproduct11.2.0client_1
(b) Paste it in the folder c:appuserproduct11.2.0client_1bin