Problem relating to the USB drive

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Whenever I put a flash drive on my USB port a folder naming 'Recycler' appears from nowhere. A few shortcut files also appear and all my folders in the drive turn into shortcuts. Lost many important data files due to this problem.

How to get rid of it?  

Best Answer by longadi
Answered By 0 points N/A #128510

Problem relating to the USB drive



You may scan your PC because probably the Virus will be in your system. Download the combofix and run it. It will remove the malware which causing this issue. The download link of Combofix and steps explained here – Download Link1

Or,you should clean your registry Errors by registrybooster. Here is the link to download registrybooster-

Hope this help,


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #128509

Problem relating to the USB drive



The problem is that you are infected by a recycler virus.

This is a virus that usually spreads via flash disks and other external storage devices.

The virus poses with different names inside the flash drive e.g  recycler.exe, fashguard.exe or newfolder.exe

A computer can get infected with this virus through exploitation of the auto run feature which is available in windows. Then it copies the files on each drive of the computer.

When you open an infected disk the virus executes and copies itself inside of folders using varying names.  It may interfere with the normal operation of the control panel and other utilities.

Removing the virus from flash;

You will download  a flash disinfector and then you can save it on your hard disk.  Note this should not be stored on the removable disks.  You can then run the application and then plug in the storage devices as requested.  The desktop will then clear up the auto run virus.

Alternatively you can be able to utilize the Auto Run Eater and this will remove the virus perfectly. 

You will be required to install a protector plus software and choose scan to remove all the instances of the virus.  Later install  an anti virus and it will clear up all the virus.

Hope this helps.

Lydiah Ongadi

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