Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." This is the error message i get while trying to upgrade my internet explorer. I am running on Vista and would like to get the latest version of the internet explorer. Currently, i am using the old IE, version 6.0 and i am having trouble updating it to the latest version for windows XP.
After many trial and error attempts, which failed, internet explorer has refused to open. With every attempt to open it i always get error messages.
I once tried to download Internet Explorer version 7 for XP Operating Systems and got this error message
"This installation does not support your operating system's current Service Pack version"
I don’t want to use other browsers because of different complications and inconveniences i have experienced. For instance Firefox sometimes malfunctions and blocks other sites, forcing me to uninstall and reinstall for it to respond.
Does anyone know how to successfully upgrade or download windows explorer for Windows XP. I have tried all the ways i know and i am out of ideas. Or, can the OS be the problem? I have thought of loading windows 7 if i don’t get a solution. I believe someone here has an idea on how to fix this problem. I will be thankful for any assistance.
Problem of downloading and upgrading Internet Explorer in XP
I've read the issue of the internet explorer that your using. This error message "This installation does not support your operating system's current Service Pack version" shows that the Windows XP version that your using is not compatible with the internet explorer 7. So this error message means that you cannot update the internet explorer unless you will upgrade the Operating system to a higher version, like windows XP service pack 2 or 3, windows vista or windows 7.
For this error message "Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience", here are the solution that you can try:
Click start
Click control panel
Click network and internet connections
Click internet options and then a screen will load up
Look for the 'advanced' tab at the upper right side of the screen and then click it
Click the 'reset' button located at the very bottom part of the screen
It will ask you, "Are you sure you want to reset the internet explorer" and then click 'reset'
A small box will pop up, we need to wait for all the things there to be checked and then click "close"
Another screen will load up that says, "for changes to take effect you will need to restart the internet explorer"
Click ok and then close the internet explorer
Open it back up and if you still have the same problem so we'll be needing to uninstall the internet explorer Note: Before you uninstall the internet explorer be sure that you have another browser to use like Mozilla Firefox UNINSTALLING THE INTERNET EXPLORER.
Click start
Click control panel and then a screen will load up
Click add/remove programs and then another screen will load up
Look for the internet explorer and click uninstall REINSTALLING THE INTERNET EXPLORER
Open the other browser that you have like Mozilla Firefox
Go to the address bar or the http bar at the top
Type this web address: search for the internet explorer version that you want and install it
Follow the step for the installation and check if its going to be working
If its not going to be working so that means that the only internet explorer version that you can use is the version 6 that you originally have
Problem of downloading and upgrading Internet Explorer in XP
Maybe you are only using Windows XP Service Pack 1 that is why you cannot install Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7. You did not visit Microsoft’s website to get some information about Windows Internet Explorer 7 or if your current hardware specification is compatible with this version of Internet Explorer.
To give you the complete details about the system requirements of Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7, see the information below:
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Service Pack 2
Windows XP Service Pack 3
You can download Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer 7 at this link:
Internet Explorer 7
Since you cannot install Windows Internet Explorer 7, your Windows apparently uses Service Pack 1 because Windows Internet Explorer 7 is intended to run on Service Packs 2 and 3. To upgrade your Windows to Service Pack 2, download Windows XP Service Pack 2 at
Windows XP Service Pack 2
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 specifications:
Windows XP
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Media Center Edition
Windows XP Professional Edition
To upgrade your system to Service Pack 3, download Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package.
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 specifications:
Windows XP Home Edition
Windows XP Professional Edition
Windows XP Service Pack 1
Windows XP Service Pack 2