Slow Internet Connection with 10mbps only

Asked By 400 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys, can anyone help me here?

I'm just confused about my connection speed.

My friend and I have the same internet connection, and it is a broadband. Now the speed on her connection is 100.0Mbps, and mine has only got 10.0 Mbps. Is it not about internet connection? What is the reason? Why  do we have different speeds but same connection? Is there something I need to upgrade on my computer desktop? I want also to change my connection speed in 100.0 Mbps. Please help me, thanks.

AMD Sepron(tm) processor LE-1150

2.00 GHz, 1.43 GB of RAM.

Local Area Connection

Speed: 10.0 Mbps

Status: Connected

Best Answer by Camaron Lezzi
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #119687

Slow Internet Connection with 10mbps only


Hi Joyworldee,

Check the properties of the adapter. For doing this, go to the network and sharing center. Then go to ‘change adapter setting’. Then right click on the wired adapter. Usually it is level as ‘Local Area Connection’. Then choose properties. Go to the configure button. Now press on the advanced tab. Check your speed and duplex settings there. Then change it to ‘auto’. Most of the time, it works. If it does not work then install all latest drivers. Don’t forget to check the conditions of the modem or dongle you are using. Hope that will fix your problem.

Answered By 0 points N/A #119688

Slow Internet Connection with 10mbps only



Let's know that how to improve the speed of IE.

1. Go to Start-> Run-> and type gpedit.msc
2. Expand the Administrative Templates branch
3. Expand the Network tab
4. Highlight QoS Packet Scheduler
5. Click on Limit Reservable Bandwidth and check the enabled box
6. Then Change the Bandwidth limit % to 0 %.

You're done. It would be a good idea to reboot after this.


Answered By 0 points N/A #119689

Slow Internet Connection with 10mbps only



I advise you to run a speed test online.  The result should be close to the speed of your ISP.  If you get a low result, then the problem is in your computer.

Make sure your hard drive is not nearly full. Delete unimportant files or you may save files to your USB, CD or DVD.

Kindly open Internet Explorer.  Click on Tools.  Under General tab, click on delete. Check Preserve Favorites website data, temporary internet files, cookies and history.  Click on OK. You are about to delete browsing history, which is one of the causes why computers slow down.

Run a disk de fragmentation. This can be done once a week to improve the performance of your PC.

Make it a habit to scan your computer daily.

Hope this one helps.

Thank you.

Answered By 10 points N/A #195540

Slow Internet Connection with 10mbps only


Dear Joyworldee,

Hi this is not a problem it is your defaults setting on your lan adapter. It doesn’t effect on your internet connection so don’t worry about this. If you want you can change this by doing following activities…………

1.    1st go to the network and sharing centre.

2.    Find ‘change adapter setting’.

3.    Then right click on the wired adapter/ Local Area Connection’

4.    Click on choose properties.

5.    Go to the configure button. Now press on the advanced tab. Check your speed and duplex settings there.

6.      Then change it to ‘auto’.

Then restart your computer may be it will work

Thanks and Regards


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