PC shut down automatically and not starting anymore

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I was watching a movie. Suddenly my PC turn off. Then I push the Power button of CPU but there is nothing happened. The processor cooling is on and off rapidly . What should I do. My motherboard is GYGABYTE H55MH2V(DUAL BIOS). Please Help me some one.

Best Answer by Nickolas780
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #115484

PC shut down automatically and not starting anymore


You might have some problem in your motherboard. Your motherboard BIOS is damaged. Though your motherboard has dual BIOS. but DUAL BIOS sometimes do not work.As your motherboard is new you have 3 years of warranty. You can carry your PC to your nearest servicing centre. If it is not a BIOS problem it might because of your RAM. your RAM is not working perfectly. You have to discard your RAM and clean it through ereaser. Clean it and put it back into your motherboard. Gygabyte motherboard these times create this kind of problem. I think you got your answer. Don't worry about your files and folders,It is safe in your Hard disk.

Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #115485

PC shut down automatically and not starting anymore


Your problem is your power source. Those kind of Motherboard requires a reliable power source that does not fluctuating. This problem may solve by turning off your Automatic Voltage Regulator or the AVR (If you have the AVR) or unplug your computer from the power out-let. Wait for a few minutes then plug in your computer or the AVR on the power outlet and then turn-on the AVR and the computer.

If the computer doesn’t turning on after the above method was applied. Turn off the system for a few minutes for the second time then turn off all appliances that uses a lot of current and then plug back in your computer and turn it on.

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