Oracle: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Out of a sudden, I get this error: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes problem in one of my client's oracle database. Is this normal? If not, what can I do to prevent it?

Best Answer by Harold kenosi
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #109757

Oracle: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes



Dear friend

  • When oracle cannot get RAM needed to complete the operation it generates error “out of process memory” 
  • Short PGA or kernel parameters are not set large enough to use RAM also cause this problem.
  • Depending on the release of oracle that you are using there are several options to solve this problem.
  • Increase pga_aggregate_target
  • Decrease sort_area_size and/or hash_area_size
  • Move to multi-threaded server
  • Set the Kernel Param setting as below to solve this issue
  • We changed the setting of “ulimit” as follows to resolve the issue:
  • ulimit –a 
    time(seconds) unlimited 
    file(blocks) unlimited 
    data(kbytes) unlimited 
    stack(kbytes) 4194302 
    memory(kbytes) unlimited 
    coredump(blocks) unlimited 
    nofiles(descriptors) 4096 
  • Above is also a part of oracle pre-install process.
Answered By 0 points N/A #195593

Oracle: out of process memory when trying to allocate string bytes



I believe you must check the memory on all nodes using the command given below.

ipcs –a

You can try to free the memory of the nodes by terminating oraagent.bin. This is not a permanent solution but it works fine for me. This might happen again but when an instance goes down it will not pop up again.

I hope this information will help you in resolving the problem you are encountering.

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