Never Suffer From Missing AAAA Record At DNS Server Error Again

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am receiving errors missing AAAA record at DNS server while executing dcdiag /test:dns. How can I resolve this issue? How to disable the IPv6 on Windows completely?

Answered By 0 points N/A #177784

Never Suffer From Missing AAAA Record At DNS Server Error Again


The error ‘missing AAAA record at DNS server’ is usually received when the IPv6 isn’t completely disabled from your system. You can disable it from Change adapter settings option in the control panel. You also have to go through all the DNS records and must remove all the IPv6 addresses, if any, from the records. Double check the records to make sure if any of the IPv6 addresses are still present in the DNS records and remove them to resolve the error problem you are facing.

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