Kindly help me on this, I bought my computer on march 2005. It runs a Windows XP with 2GB RAM and 150GB HDD, Pentium Processor 1.7GHz. My problem is, whenever I try to click any icon on my desktop, it will take time before it opens.
I already run Kaspersky to scan for any virus, but it is still the same. I also run a defragmentation and nothing changed so far.
I do not have much on my computer, but I really don't know why its acting very slow.
Can someone please help me?
Jee Yapsangco
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
My Computer Running Slow even if my computer is new
Hi Jee,
It seems you have a good hardware specification and it's not yet obsolete to cause lag or make your computer slower. Even if you have Kaspersky scanner for as long as your Operating System had a problem then you will have a problem on this.
The solution is to remove you virus scanner first try to observe if there is the progress. Try to check if you have a sharing client file, this will the causes of lag on your system.
Try to check you alt>ctrl>del check your task manager if there were files who consume a lot of processes try to end task if you found 1. Lastly, reinstall your Operating System try to observe if there's a progress if not try to install different Operating System (Windows 7) because some operating systems downloaded on the internet especially not genuine has an including virus.
Tony Stevenson
My Computer Running Slow even if my computer is new
First of all, your Computer processor is not very good.
Your ram is Absolutely ok.
So there are many reason of your computer lagging.
Not enough hard disk space.
Left over programs and bad files.
Data Corruption.
Missing Windows updates / Outdated drivers.
Computer is overheating.
Corrupt OS.
Bad Hardware.
Check all these issues with your computer. And then solution
Do disk clean up specially with windows
Run registry clean software.
Run Scandisk for bad sector
Clean temporary files
Scan for malware(spyware)
Verify that the Device Manager has no conflicts.
After all this new your window copy.If it does make a problem solve then its your windows not Your PC having problem.
My Computer Running Slow even if my computer is new
Hi Jee,
You can press Ctrl + Alt + Del from your Keyboard and you will seen Windows Task Manager will be open.
After that you have to choose PROCESS tab from that. You will see number of process running behind you computer.
You have to filter the process by clicking on CPU and RAM and you have to check which process consumes too much CPU or RAM.
After finding file name of process you use Windows Search Utility and type the name of process file where is located.
You can check file is related with antivirus any other program.
If that program not required you have to delete from computer.
If it is antivirus program so you have to change auto scan schedule when computer is ideal.
I think is proper solution for most pc going to work slow.
Vishal Barot