Is my 1 tb Hard disk has been crashed?
I have 1 TB hard disk which I have bought  just recently with my new PC. These  are my PC configurations:
- Hard Disk 1 TB
- RAM 3 GB
- Motherboard:GIGABYTE P55-USB3
- Processor: Intel Core 2Quad Q8200Â 2.33GHz
I have partitioned it into 2 Drives. First drive is 100 GB, and the 2nd is 830 GB. I didn't store any data in the first drive. In the second disk drive, I stored over 700 GB of files and documents. I also installed some necessary software. And there was no problem doing this. After I installed acronis and clicked a button"convert partition to primary",  the drive disappeared. At the moment, I can not see anything else. Is my hard disk still alright or has it crashed?