Mini PDF convert Word to PDF

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am planning to buy MiniPDF (PDF To Word Converter), So I would like to know about the performance of Mini PDF convert Word to PDF. I have downloaded the demo version, but most of the features were limited in the demo version. So I am unable to have a clarity about its performance. I need to know whether it supports batch conversion of PDF documents to Word file. Please guide me, through your inputs.

Answered By 50 points N/A #153821

Mini PDF convert Word to PDF


Hello! MiniPDF to Word Converter supports batch processing for multiple PDF files. Depending on your PDF, most conversion results in good quality. But be aware that much software promise the same thing but after buying their product, actually offers bad conversion results. To be on the safe side, you could try many free online PDF to Word Converters provided on the internet. Maybe some of them can give you what you are looking for and is just the same as using MiniPDF but for free.

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