Mere password protection can no longer keep you safe.

Asked By 100 points N/A Posted on -
Password protection is no longer being considered safe by advanced enterprises as they pose a very easy target for hackers. In this context what would be some other methods to increase security? What is the two factor authentication and why is it being considered as a safer alternative? Is it a holistic solution for security?


Answered By 0 points N/A #189369

Mere password protection can no longer keep you safe.


In password authentication process, users are authenticated generally by using passwords. But these passwords are more vulnerable to hacking. So, In order to add one level more security to the user account, two factor authentication is the best solution. This second level of security which we add can be biometric method of authentication like fingerprint, iris, voice etc. Depending upon the application, the type of biometric method of authentication can be chosen. This would definitely boost up the security levels. But the drawback of this two factor authentication system is complexity involved in application level development. The user has to spent time on second level of authentication.

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