MapGuide Maestro- Connection reset by peer

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Guys I am using MapGuide Maestro for editing Map guide especially for Web Layouts and Fusion Layouts.

But sometimes when I do something with this I get this error, the error said “Connection reset by peer”.

When I try to browse again it works well, all I want is not to see this error message again.

What can I do to remove this one?


MapGuide Maestro

Failure to retrieve coordinate info: Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure

Error getting response stream (ReadDone1): ReceiveFailure

EndRead failure

Connection reset by peer

Answered By 0 points N/A #113743

MapGuide Maestro- Connection reset by peer



This is due to the loss of connection from the remote socket might be some reason due to time delay or time out. You got this error because on data stream socket your connection reset again. When a network system detect a connection failure it generates this sort of error which are you facing but don’t worry it will solve just follow my instructions and one thing also for your information that this error may cause due to datagram socket it mainly sue to when user’s application send a UDP datagram to host but it reject because of ICMP port reachable. Now what to do about this error. Just follow me

Just ping your host, if its not work it might be because of offline or there must be an error with your network connection. Ping a local host and verify that you LAN is still running or not. Now ping your local router and subnet address, this verify that network is functioning. Now type tracert, from this you can determine your network problem. Hope his will help you

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