Location of KGB compressed files
Good day, I am unable to locate the files I compressed using KGB 2, and would appreciate if you can drop me a line. Ta. Charle
Good day, I am unable to locate the files I compressed using KGB 2, and would appreciate if you can drop me a line. Ta. Charle
There are possible ways to locate your file. first is by doing system search with the file name. If you remember the file name of the file that you compressed then you should be able to find it. Files that are compressed with KGB will have a file extension .kgb so you can also search this in the windows search option. But by default, Compressed files will have the same destination as with the original uncompressed file otherwise you specified the destination folder. You can look into Documents as well or in your desktop.
Loida Arcel
That’s right. Normally, when you compress files or a folder from the Windows Explorer, the compressed file or the packed file will also be saved on the same location as with the files or folder. The program will not automatically save the compressed file to another location unless you specify a different path for the output file.
If you forgot where you saved the output file, in case you specify a different path for the packed file, try searching for “.kgb” file format. To begin the search, click Start then select Search. Select “All files and folders”, enter without quotes “*.kgb”, and then click Search. If the file was successfully compressed, you will be able to find the packed file.
If you can’t find it then you must have accidentally saved it using the ZIP format since the KGB Archiver has 2 formats available for compression, KGB which is the default format and ZIP as the second option.