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0 points
Posted on - 08/05/2011
Landscape orientation of PVC ID disabled
I am not able to rotate the orientation of my PVC ID Card on Card 5 PVC-ID Printing Software. Option button for the Landscape is in grayed color and it is disabled. Portrait orientation also disabled but it is selected by default. Could you please help me to figure out this problem?
Landscape orientation of PVC ID disabled
Hi Eloise,
Here are the procedures to re-enable Landscape Orientation of PVC ID, this applies using IPAD;
1. Set your IPAD home button in front of you. This will activate the easy view of your IPAD.
2. Holding your IPAD, see the volume controls on the device’s slider button. Switch button can be controlled and move up and down.
3. IPAD was set as default indicates that it can be rotated around.
4. Push the button and an icon/symbol will show, a padlock icon indicates that it is disabled temporarily.
5. You have no control to change IPAD direction and its screen follow the movement.
6. To disable the rotation lock, resume and it allows you to change display orientation.
7. To re-enable back, see instructions above. A screen shots below will guide you. See below:
Answered By
0 points
Landscape orientation of PVC ID disabled
PVC ID printing software comes with different software. Instead of Card 5 you can use other PVC ID printing software.
By the way, your problem is just a simple problem and commonly misunderstood by many Card 5 operators. On your printing options, where you can see the disabled or landscape and portrait option or the printing orientation, just below this option, you will see an advance button.
Click on that button and the page orientation option change the option to portrait or landscape as what you have desired to change with. After clicking the Ok button, it will automatically change the disable option in your printing option. That’s how simple it is.
Good Luck!