I have a MacPro and the lighting around the I/O is not activating when I move the computer. I just noticed this a few days ago and I'm becoming concerned. Is there any reason to be concerned and if not, what could be causing this and should I just ignore it? If I should be concerned, what could be done to remedy this problem? Thank you.
I/O port isn’t lighting on MacPro
Macbook Pro IO lights are not activating because of the disconnection between IO light and the inverter. It can happen due to three reasons.
1.   Your inverter is damaged to provide required power supply to the IO light. It is providing power to the display, but unable to provide to the IO light.
2.   Either inverter cable is damaged or the ports where the inverter cable is connected is damaged.
3.   The lights on the IO are damaged.
Remedy: You should contact with Macbook pro service center and repair it with new parts per their recommendation. You may continue to use the Macbook pro by ignoring this issue. But it may create big issue in the future. Better is to solve the problem at the beginning.