Installing boot manager iso files to Linux

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I have an idea to modify plpbt.bin for creation of my own ISO files. Currently I am working in Linux. I have got the Plop Boot Manager 5.0 but I can’t understand how to install it in Linux and which directory or files to use for that boot manager iso files maker. Does anybody know the algorithm of installation?

Answered By 60 points N/A #167787

Installing boot manager iso files to Linux



Since you have the plpbt.bin you can start in many different ways. When you are using this you cannot save boot manager settings. However, you can use plpcfgbt to configure plpbt.bin.

Here are the ways:

1. Floppy

You can configure the plpbt.bin on the floppy with plpcfgbt.

LINUX: dd if-plpbt.img of=/dev/fd0

2. Live CD

You can burn ISO images to a CD using cdrecord linux program.

Burn the ISO with the cdrecord: cdrecord -v dev=

For example:

If you access your CD burner with /dev/hdd cdrecord -v dev=/dev/hdd plpbt.iso

3. Native from a FAT file system

Download the current boot manager Extract it to get the boot manager binary program plpbt.bin.

Copy the plpbt.bin to the FAT formatted drive.

Then use the program plpmkboot to make the drive bootable to start plpbt.bin.

Linux example: plpmkboot /dev/sdb1

And you can also try try this:

In installing Plop Boot Manager 5.0 in Linux, you must have installed mkisofs.plpbt.bin and in the same directory.

1. Run sh to create the iso file.

2. Get a file called plpbtmycd.iso.

That is your new boot manager iso file.

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