Install Revit 2012 Extension for Deployment

How can I install Revit 2012 Extension for deployment?
I already created a network deployment.
What are the next steps?

How can I install Revit 2012 Extension for deployment?
I already created a network deployment.
What are the next steps?
Here is how you can install 2012 Revit Extension in silent mode.
Be sure you are logged in as administrator or else you might encounter an error in the process.
I can give you the steps to install Revit 2012.
You can follow these steps by step instructions easily.
1. Run the REX setup (to C:/ Autodesk )
2. Go to C:AutodeskREX_RST_2012x64REX_RST (for x64)
3. Run following command (You should have the Administrator privilege) – REX_RST.msi /q .
Please note that for Win Vista & Win 7, run the command prompt with administrator privilege.
If not you will get an error message.