I Spilled My Coffee On My Laptop

Accidentally pouring coffee on your keyboard is a common occurrence in offices. Here it should be known that. Under your laptop’s keyboard, there is a processor, RAM, motherboard, storage, and the battery.
The first thing for you could do is remove the power cable > hold the power switch and turn the laptop off > using a paper towel, removes excess liquid, don’t wipe but pat the liquid away.
Now follow by carefully turning it over and remove the battery. Focus on drying the laptop. You might do this with a hairdryer too bur on its lowest setting.
When it’s a little dry Stand it in an inverted-V shape in a warm room or cupboard but do not place the laptop in direct sunlight. You can consider the rice trick for it to absorb the remaining moisture.
Leave the laptop for at least 24 hours, prefer 36 hours, then check to see if it works.