Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -

I recently upgraded and after it completed I was excited to watch some videos, sadly none of them won't play. Im using windows media player. thats good right?

Best Answer by jayheyhey
Answered By 100 points N/A #87163

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


Ok first things first.
What OS did you upgrade to? What movie files are you playing?
Is it .mkv? .mov? .avi? .wmv?

And Windows Media player isn't really the best out there but it should do while you haven't downloaded anything yet.

Answered By 200 points N/A #87164

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


1. I upgraded to windows 7 from windows XP.

2. I am not sure, how can I check?

What other player would you recommend if windows media player is not the best. Really appreciate you trying to help.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 100 points N/A #87165

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


Windows 7 should have supplied you with the codec for the common video files. Anyhow, you can check the file extension by doing the following:


1. Open windows explorer (the folder in your taskbar).


2. Click organize.


3. Select Folder and Search Options.


4. Go to the View tab.


5. Remove the checkmark on the "hide file extensions for known file types". This should now should the file extensions of all files in your machine.


6. Go check what file extension your movies are.


And while you are at it, I am pretty sure this is a codec problem, try downloading a codec pack. A codec pack is a collection of codec used by players to view certain extensions (.mov / .mkv / .wmv etc) once you have downloaded and installed one, try to view your movies again, it should start to play. Try looking for codec here: Look for the: k-lite codec pack.

Answered By 200 points N/A #87167

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


The files are .avi. My brother just arrived and he said I should use VLC player. Is that better? I am also currently downloading the codec pack. Should I just install this once it complete?

Answered By 100 points N/A #87168

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


VLC player is ok, you can try it out if you want. Ah avi files, I'm pretty sure now that once you install the k-lite codec, you'd be good to go.

Answered By 200 points N/A #87169

Could not play movies in WMP after upgrading to Win 7


Installed the codec and all seems to be working! this is so great! I really cannot thank you enough!

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