I need to re-sync my wireless mouse

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello! I've been having issues with my mouse and my Microsoft laptop. I was discussing to a friend and they told me to re-sync the devices. I'm not sure exactly how to do this, so help is appreciated. I was going to just go and buy a new mouse and hope that fixed the issue but if this is an option I would like to try this first. Thank you.

Answered By 5 points N/A #177335

I need to re-sync my wireless mouse

Actually, this is a very simple task to re-sync a wire less mouse. Simply follow these steps –
  1. Put the battery into the mouse.
  2. Plug in the USB receiver
  3. Establish the mouse connection by installing the driver software (if it is not a plug-and-play device).
  4. Test for the proper functionality of the mouse & do any setting changes if necessary

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