I cannot find streaming database

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

I got an error in a file of MS Exchange 2003 “Enterprise Server” (stand alone). When runs backup (Backup Exec 2010 R2). In last week error appears (Exchange Server) "cannot find streaming file associated with this database". I searched on net and the Symantec site says “There are no spaces in the streaming file “.stm” and “.edb” files, such as (mail.ebd and mail.stm)”. But no issue with the name of file.

Best Answer by Mahesh Babu
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Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #81510

I cannot find streaming database



You should give the ms exchange file that you are using a thorough check, because sometimes errors in code can just be seen at a glance of an eye. Use a  compiler if possible to find the errors that may be there in the code; errors the use of whitespaces, using some alphanumeric characters which the code may not support like hyphens and many other minor errors which may be hidden in the code. Trace them all and remove them.

All check for syntax problems; ensure that the variables have been declared used the right names which do not have grammatical problems. Also ensure that the extensions have used in the right way.


Mahesh Babu

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