I am getting the error message while using Dragon Medical

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -


Recently, I am getting the following error message. Have any idea about this error? Can you provide me the solution to resolve this error? Guide me step by step so would be really appreciated. I extremely need your help. Thanks in advance.

Dragon Medical speech engine returned the following error DSXWarning_UttsPurged

Dragon Medical

The speech engine returned the following error: Close



Answered By 5 points N/A #171240

I am getting the error message while using Dragon Medical


Hi WillieMEarls,


You are having that error because of this reason:

The audio quality of your computer is not receiving a poor sound from your microphone.

It can't recognize the words you are saying

Here are some ways to solve this problem:

Make sure to have a microphone that has a high quality audio and working correctly.

You can use some troubleshooting in TN 3231

You can check your microphone in Dragon NaturallySpeaking. To do this go to Audio then Check Microphone.

It's better to use a USB microphone rather than using a built in to your computer.

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